Melbourne Based SEO Freelancer

Looking for an SEO Freelancer in Melbourne?

I am Harshad Ghodke, an SEO Freelancer from Melbourne. I have over 15 years of industry experience. As an SEO professional, I am best known for running SEO campaigns for well-known brands in Australia.

I have also worked as a Search Engine Optimisation specialist with SEO agencies in Melbourne to train marketing managers and provide expert search engine optimisation strategies.

With my experience as a freelance SEO expert, I have learned that every website and business is different, and there is no “one size fits all” solution in SEO.

Every website has a unique history, goals and needs. Depending on your website, I will create an effective SEO strategy and roadmap that will help increase your customer base, organic search rankings, traffic, and sales.

SEO Consultant Melbourne


Most SEO companies will talk about rankings in search engines and increasing traffic to your website, but not many focus on relevant, high-quality keywords, traffic, sales and conversions. Getting in front of potential customers and increasing search engine visibility is only 50% of the job done. Getting these potential customers to convert into your actual customers is essential.

My main focus while working with any business is to increase leads and conversions and get a positive ROI. Hence, my SEO consulting service is ideal for business owners looking to take their business to the next level.

As an SEO expert, I help business owners take the next step in their digital marketing efforts. This helps you to achieve your business objectives by planning and delivering the entire digital marketing strategy.

Let’s start by understanding what SEO is.

What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is a process of optimising a website and its pages to enhance its visibility on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The primary objective of SEO is to boost organic website traffic, meaning the non-paid visitors who arrive at a website by clicking on search results.

Search engines employ complex algorithms to determine which web pages are most relevant to a user’s search query.

Keywords are a central aspect of SEO, as they are strategically incorporated into the website’s content to align with the search queries users commonly use.

As a result, when users search for specific keywords or phrases, a well-optimised website is more likely to appear prominently on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), attracting organic traffic.

SEO encompasses various strategies, including link building and technical optimisation, to improve a website’s overall appeal to search engines.

Moreover, it extends to different search types, such as image search, video search, academic search, and vertical search, ensuring comprehensive optimisation across various search categories.

Overall, SEO is a cornerstone of Internet marketing, directly impacting a website’s performance by attracting valuable organic website traffic.

What do SEO Services include?

The 12 common tasks involved in SEO services are mentioned below.

1. SEO Audit

An SEO audit is a detailed analysis of a website’s search engine optimisation performance. It identifies technical issues, content gaps, and opportunities for improvement to enhance visibility and ranking on search engines. The audit covers on-page elements, technical aspects, and backlink profiles.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analysing the words and phrases people use in search engines. It helps find relevant keywords that attract the right audience and drive traffic to a website. This research guides content creation and SEO strategies.

3. On-Page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimising individual web pages to rank higher in search engine results. It includes improving meta tags, headers, URL structure, and internal links, as well as enhancing content quality and keyword usage. The goal is to make each page more relevant and user-friendly.

4. Technical SEO

Technical SEO focuses on optimising a website’s infrastructure to improve its search engine visibility. It includes enhancing site speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, indexing, and ensuring secure connections (HTTPS). The goal is to make the site easier for search engines to access, understand, and rank.

5. Content Creation and Optimisation

Content creation and optimisation involve producing high-quality, relevant content and enhancing existing material to improve search engine rankings. This includes integrating targeted keywords, improving readability, and ensuring the content meets user needs. The aim is to attract and engage the audience while boosting visibility in search results.

6. Link Building

Link building is the process of acquiring high-quality backlinks from other reputable websites to improve a site’s authority and search engine ranking. This can be achieved through strategies such as guest blogging, influencer outreach, and creating shareable content. The aim is to enhance the website’s credibility and increase organic traffic.

7. Local SEO

Local SEO focuses on optimising a website to attract traffic from local searches. This includes managing Google Business profiles, acquiring local citations, and encouraging customer reviews. The aim is to improve visibility for businesses serving specific geographic areas, making it easier for local customers to find them online.

8. Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO involves optimising a website to ensure it performs well on mobile devices. This includes implementing responsive design, improving mobile loading speed, and ensuring easy navigation on smaller screens. The goal is to provide a seamless and efficient user experience for mobile users, boosting search engine rankings.

9. User Experience (UX) Optimisation

User Experience (UX) optimisation focuses on enhancing the overall usability and satisfaction of a website. This includes improving site design, navigation, and load times to ensure a smooth and engaging user experience. The goal is to increase user engagement, reduce bounce rates, and encourage conversions.

10. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting involve tracking, analysing, and interpreting website performance data. This includes monitoring key metrics such as traffic, user behaviour, and conversion rates. Regular reports provide insights into the effectiveness of SEO strategies and help guide ongoing optimisation efforts to achieve better results.

11. Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis involves researching and evaluating the SEO strategies of rival businesses. This includes examining their keywords, content, backlinks, and overall online presence. The goal is to identify strengths and weaknesses, gain insights, and develop strategies to outperform them in search engine rankings.

12. Continuous Optimisation

Continuous optimisation involves regularly updating and refining SEO strategies based on performance data, industry trends, and algorithm changes. This includes ongoing adjustments to keywords, content, technical elements, and link-building efforts. The goal is to maintain and improve search engine rankings and adapt to evolving best practices.


As an SEO freelancer based in Melbourne, I work with a diverse range of clients, from small to medium-sized businesses across Australia. My clients span various industries, including retail, hospitality, professional services, and more.

Each client receives tailored SEO strategies to meet their unique needs and goals. To see the results of my work, check out these case studies showcasing the significant improvements and successes achieved through my SEO services.

Client Reviews

Naziba Chowdhury
Naziba Chowdhury
Canopus Print has been working with Harshad for last 2-3 years and his service has been exceptionally good. He is very knowledgeable and delivers excellent results in terms of SEO and AdWords. We are glad that we found him and highly recommend Conduce Media for Digital Marketing Services.
Mr Solomon
Mr Solomon
I don’t usually do reviews but in this case I feel I really need to tell you all my story and how good this marketing guru is, I’ve used so many marketing agencies over the years and to be honest I’ve realised I’d been getting ripped off and burnt over and over again with promises without results also spending so much money without a ROI but when I met Harry I truly believe he was a god send I cannot recommend him enough along with his professional services , so much so that each and every time I contact him I ALWAYS get an answer , then comes his professional work ethic as soon as I started his honesty and amazing efforts made a world of difference , my return on investment has never before been the way it is now, if you really want someone who has a passion and loves what he does and more importantly knows exactly what you want and delivers results Harry is the man , I cannot stress enough how humble honest and by far the best experience with amazing results , I can guarantee no one will deliver what he delivers Harry I cannot thank you enough Your an amazing human and you definitely know the digital marketing business like no other HIGHLY RECOMMENDED IN EVERY ASPECT Harry , Thanks again mate you truly deserve the best if there was 100 stars you’d have then all mate
Kieran McKernan
Kieran McKernan
Harshad provided excellent advice when assisting us to set up our architectural inspections business. His work provided us with great results which has continued to underpin the success of our business. Highly recommended.
Stelios Moudakis
Stelios Moudakis
Harshad is an all-round great guy and very experienced SEO Expert who I enjoyed having part of my team at Resolution. Highly recommend!
Pratik Kambli
Pratik Kambli
I have known Harshad Ghodke for a very long time and he is one of the best when it comes SEO and paid advertising.
Orbit Organics
Orbit Organics
Highly recommend Conduce Media for SEO and website development in Melbourne. Not money oriented like other companies out there. Gave us tips and ideas worth thousands of dollars to grow our business online.

Who is an SEO Freelancer?

An SEO Freelancer is an expert who helps improve the visibility and ranking of websites on search engines. The SEO Consultant analyses and implements changes to make websites more search engine friendly.

SEO consultants offer services like website analysis, keyword research, content optimisation, and strategy development to boost a site’s search engine rankings and online presence.

SEO Freelance Consultant Vs SEO Agency

The main difference between working with an SEO Freelance consultant and an SEO agency employee is the number of clients an agency employee needs to handle.

The other most important difference is the experience the SEO consultant would have compared to an agency employee.

Why Work With Me?

I am a Digital Marketing expert and skilled SEO consultant who has worked in this field since 2006. I work on understanding your business and the business goals that you want to achieve.

My services are beyond basic and include 100% white hat SEO strategies.

I take clients only when I am 100% confident of providing positive results. Please check the about me page for more about me and my experience.

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