Digital Marketing Glossary

  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): Enhancing website visibility in search engine results.
  2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing): Promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimisation and advertising.
  3. PPC (Pay-Per-Click): An advertising model where a fee is paid each time their ads are clicked.
  4. CTR (Click-Through Rate): The percentage of people who click on an ad or link among those who see it.
  5. CPC (Cost Per Click): The amount paid for each click in a PPC advertising campaign.
  6. CPM (Cost Per Mille): The price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage.
  7. Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who take a desired action (like making a purchase).
  8. Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.
  9. Social Media Marketing (SMM): Using social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.
  10. Email Marketing: Sending commercial messages to a group of people via email.
  11. Influencer Marketing: A form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placements from influencers, people and organisations who possess an expert level of knowledge and/or social influence in their field.
  12. Affiliate Marketing: A marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.
  13. ROI (Return on Investment): A measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment.
  14. KPI (Key Performance Indicator): A measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives.
  15. UX (User Experience): The overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.
  16. CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Strategies, practices, and technologies that companies use to manage and analyse customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.
  17. Remarketing/Retargeting: A form of online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their site.
  18. Landing Page: A standalone web page created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign.
  19. Analytics: The discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data.
  20. Backlink: An incoming hyperlink from one web page to another website.
  21. Content Management System (CMS): A software application used to manage the creation and modification of digital content.
  22. Domain Authority (DA) AKA Domain Rating (DR): A score given by SEO tools mainly based on the backlinks.
  23. Keyword Stuffing: Overloading a webpage with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results.
  24. Meta Tags: Snippets of text that describe a page’s content; they don’t appear on the page itself but only in the page’s code.
  25. Organic Search: The search results that are earned through effective SEO, not paid for (i.e., not advertising).
  26. Paid Search: Internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked, essentially buying visits to their site.
  27. Search Algorithm: A complex system that search engines use to retrieve data from their search index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query.
  28. SERP (Search Engine Results Page): The page displayed by a web search engine in response to a query by a searcher.
  29. Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
  30. Call to Action (CTA): An instruction to the audience to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as “call now,” “find out more,” or “visit a store today.”
  31. Lead Generation: The initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into a business’s products or services.
  32. Responsive Design: An approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.
  33. Social Proof: A psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behaviour for a given situation.
  34. Viral Marketing: A business strategy that uses existing social networks to promote a product mainly on various social media platforms.
  35. Webinar: A presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar that is transmitted over the web using video conferencing software.
  36. A/B Testing: A randomised experiment with two variants, A and B, which are the control and treatment in the controlled experiment.
  37. Conversion Funnel: The journey a prospect takes through your marketing and sales processes that ultimately results in a conversion.
  38. Drip Campaign: A method used in direct marketing to acquire customers through lead nurture programs by sending marketing information to prospects repeatedly over longer periods of time.
  39. Heatmap: A graphical representation of data where individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colours.
  40. Inbound Marketing: A technique for drawing customers to products and services via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimisation, and branding.
  41. Anchor Text: The clickable text in a hyperlink that is usually formatted to stand out from the rest of the text, often in blue and underlined.
  42. Canonical Tag: An HTML element that helps webmasters prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the “canonical” or “preferred” version of a web page.
  43. Clickbait: Web content with a misleading or sensationalist headline designed to entice readers to click through to the full content.
  44. Conversion Path: The process by which an online visitor becomes a lead or a customer, typically involving a series of steps, including CTA, landing page, and a form.
  45. Digital Footprint: The information about a particular person that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity.
  46. Engagement Rate: A metric that measures the level of engagement that a piece of created content is receiving from an audience.
  47. Geotargeting: The practice of delivering content or advertisements to a user based on his or her geographic location.
  48. Hashtag: A word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media platforms to identify messages on a specific topic.
  49. Impression: A term used to describe the number of times an advertisement or any other form of digital media appears on a user’s screen.
  50. Landing Page Optimisation (LPO): The process of improving elements on a website to increase conversions.
  51. Microsite: A branded content site that lives outside of the company’s homepage and/or brand URL.
  52. Native Advertising: A type of advertising, usually online, that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears.
  53. Open Rate: The percentage of all subscribers who opened an email campaign.
  54. PageRank: An algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results.
  55. Quality Score: A variable used by Google (and other search engines) to determine the quality and relevance of ads and keywords.
  56. Retargeting: Online advertising that targets users who have previously visited a website with banner ads on display networks across the web.
  57. Schema Markup: Code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help search engines return more informative results for users.
  58. SEO Audit: A process for evaluating the search engine friendliness of a website in a number of areas.
  59. Tag Management: A system for managing the tracking codes, or tags, used in digital marketing.
  60. User Generated Content (UGC): Any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms.
  61. Voice Search Optimisation: The process of optimising your website and content to improve visibility for voice search results.
  62. White Hat SEO: Ethical SEO practices that adhere to search engine guidelines and involve no deception.
  63. Black Hat SEO: Unethical SEO tactics that attempt to improve rankings in ways that are disapproved of by search engines and involve deception.
  64. Evergreen Content: Content that is always relevant and stays “fresh” for readers over a long period of time.
  65. Google Analytics: A web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.
  66. Influencer Outreach: The process of building relationships with influencers to promote a product, service, or content.
  67. Lookalike Audience: A way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they’re similar to your best existing customers.
  68. Multichannel Marketing: Marketing that involves interacting with customers via multiple channels, both direct and indirect.
  69. Programmatic Advertising: Automated bidding on advertising inventory in real time, for the opportunity to show an ad to a specific customer, in a specific context.
  70. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): A feature that lets you customise your search ads campaign for people who have previously visited your site.
  71. Social Listening: The process of monitoring digital conversations to understand what customers are saying about a brand and industry online.
  72. ToFu, MoFu, BoFu: Top of Funnel, Middle of Funnel, and Bottom of Funnel, respectively; used to describe stages in the buyer’s journey.
  73. User Intent: The goal or intention that a user has when they perform a search on a search engine.
  74. Viral Content: Content that becomes popular through a viral process of Internet sharing, typically through video-sharing websites, social media, or email.
  75. Webmaster Tools: A free service offered by search engines that helps you monitor and maintain your site’s presence in search results.
  76. XML Sitemap: A file that helps search engines understand your website while crawling it – it lists the URLs of a site.
  77. Yield Management: A variable pricing strategy based on understanding, anticipating, and influencing consumer behaviour in order to maximise revenue or profits.
  78. Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT): The moment in the buying process when the consumer researches a product before making a purchase.
  79. Content Syndication: The process of pushing your blog, site, or video content out into third-party sites, either as a full article, snippet, link, or thumbnail.
  80. Dynamic Content: Digital content that changes based on the behaviour, preferences, and interests of the user.
  81. B2B (Business to Business): Refers to businesses that primarily sell products or services to other businesses rather than to consumers.
  82. B2C (Business to Consumer): Refers to businesses that sell products or services directly to individual consumers.
  83. Cross-Channel Marketing: Using multiple channels to reach customers with a consistent message, integrating various marketing strategies for a cohesive user experience.
  84. Customer Persona: Semi-fictional characters based on real data that represent the different user types that might use a service, product, brand, or website.
  85. Dwell Time: The length of time a person spends looking at a webpage after they’ve clicked a link on a SERP page but before clicking back to the SERP results.
  86. Email Segmentation: The practice of dividing email subscribers into smaller segments based on set criteria, typically to send more personalised and relevant emails.
  87. Friction Points: Elements of a website or user experience that disrupt the visitor’s journey, potentially preventing them from completing their desired action.
  88. Google Ads: An online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users.
  89. Intent Marketing: Marketing focused on the intention behind potential customers’ actions to tailor content and advertising to meet their immediate needs or interests.
  90. Lead Nurturing: The process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel and through every step of the buyer’s journey.
  91. Mobile Optimisation: The process of adjusting your website content to ensure that visitors accessing the site from mobile devices have an experience optimised for their device.
  92. Net Promoter Score (NPS): A management tool that can be used to gauge the loyalty of a firm’s customer relationships.
  93. Omnichannel Marketing: A multichannel approach to sales that focuses on providing a seamless customer experience whether the client is shopping online from a mobile device, a laptop, or in a brick-and-mortar store.
  94. PPC Remarketing: A form of online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their site.
  95. Quality Content: Content that is informative, useful, and engaging to its target audience, often contributing to a positive user experience.
  96. SERP Features: Elements on Google’s search engine results pages beyond the traditional organic results, such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local packs.
  97. Traffic Acquisition: The process of attracting visitors to a website or other digital property through various channels such as organic search, paid search, social media, and referrals.
  98. User Persona: A representation of a fictional, generalised user that embodies the characteristics of a significant segment of a website’s target audience.
  99. Visual Search: An emerging form of search where the input query is an image, allowing users to search using actual images instead of words to find similar images or related content.
  100. Web Accessibility: The inclusive practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites on the World Wide Web by people with disabilities.